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Community Dreamwork

Monthly gatherings for gifted adults to engage in embodied dream tending for personal & collective growth

Virginia's Fish, Leonora Carrington, 1957

Dream images come to us as part of the gifted psyche's natural process of healing itself and guiding us on our personal and collective journeys.

Dreamwork is a deeply transformative form of mindfulness for the gifted journey. While traditional approaches tend to focus on interpretation and analysis of dream symbols, images and stories, more recent practices have moved into the realm of embodied experience and being with dream elements rather than projecting onto them. Gifted adults don't always have the opportunity to engage the fullness of their other-than-mental intelligence in their everyday lives, and embodied dreamwork opens a portal to slowing down and deepening into their sensual, emotional and imaginal intelligences. Gifted dreamworkers explore and discover the transformative guidance of their dreams for personal and collective growth.   


Our Community Dreamwork sessions will take place monthly with a small group of gifted and twice-exceptional adults who want to learn embodied mindfulness-based approaches to dream tending for personal and community care, connection and growth. The gatherings will be facilitated by GMC founder, Kelly Pryde, PhD who is a certified embodied dreamworker, as well as depth practitioner and authorized mindfulness teacher.


Through group dreamwork, you will:


  • cultivate deeper aspects of gifted imaginal, intuitive, embodied and existential intelligences​

  • gain insight into the unlived lifethe parts of your inner and outer nature longing to be witnessed

  • deepen your relational mindfulness as you gain confidence in your capacity to express yourself authentically and discover the depth of possibilities within an intentional shared space​

  • embody images, patterns, impressions and rhythms that arise in the group and discovering how these stay with you long afterwards to offer resources and life-forward guidance​​

  • discover the synchronicities and collective wisdom of shared dreams 



How to join

To introduce our new Community Dreamwork offering, Kelly will be facilitating a Dream Salon for those who would like to learn, explore and ask questions about tending dreams both personally and in gifted community. Participation in the salon is required to join the monthly dreamwork gatherings (with the exception of Community of Practice members and/or those who have completed our Foundations program) .


The Dream Salon

Saturday January 25, 2025, 12-2:30pm EST


The Dream Salon is a live, interactive workshop that introduces the foundational elements of embodied dreamwork from a depth- and gifted-oriented perspective. You'll get to explore the wisdom of dreams within a mindful community of peers who understand the unique joys and challenges of navigating giftedness and neurocomplexity, and are committed to conscious personal and collective growth. (You can learn more about the origins of salon gatherings here.)


During our time, we’ll co-create a compassionate, permissive container to explore:


  • techniques for nurturing a richer connection to your dream life such as remembering and recording your dreams, (re)entering the dream, and engaging with dream elements

  • how to approach dreamwork in a way that is centered on right relationship–respect, responsibility and reciprocity, as well as on the heightened sensitivity and complexity of the gifted experience

  • creative practices such as journaling, artwork, or mindful movement to engage with the instinctual, emotional and sensual wisdom embedded in dreams

  • approaches for tending dreams in community: Kelly will guide the tending of a live dream where participants will have the opportunity to witness, embody and share their experience of the symbols, images, and energies in the dream. We will also reflect on common themes that emerge for gifted and neurocomplex adults. 


The salon will give you not only tools that you can use immediately to deepen your connection with your dream life, but also a glimpse into the (often hidden) richness of imaginal intelligence and the healing potential of gifted community.


Space is limited to allow for a personal, interactive experience.


Who This is For


We welcome gifted adults who have already done some gifted-specific inner work and are at a place in their development where they are emotionally resourced and can participate generatively with their peers. Participants are requested to be fully present with their video on for the duration of the salon. All of the GMC offerings are trauma-sensitive and therapeutic but do not serve as an alternative to psychotherapy.  


Register for the Dream Salon


Date & Time: Saturday January 25, 2025, 12 - 2:30pm eastern (New York) time


Location: Online via Zoom


Fee: $75 USD​. Payments are made via PayPal.



In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves.

C.G. Jung


Registration for the monthly gatherings will open following the Dream Salon in January 2025. If you would like to be on the waitlist pending participation in the salon, please email us with your interest:

​Ongoing Community Dreamwork at the GMC

Starting in February 2025, date & time tbd with the group


For those who would like to continue engaging in mindful community dreamwork with gifted peers following the Dream Salon, there will be six follow-on monthly gatherings where we will explore additional approaches to group dreaming and continue cultivating our personal dreamwork practices. 


For some of these sessions, Kelly will invite members to share a dream prior to the gathering and will guide the tending of one dream in a live, experiential format. While not everyone is able to explore their own dream in this format, the process of witnessing and engaging with the dreamer’s shared images engenders a nourishing and healing experience that each member will benefit from.  


In other sessions, we will explore wakeful dreaming and dreamweaving approaches that offer a window into the collective unconscious, synchronicity, and often the numinous that can be quite transformative. 


Some optional resources on dreams and dreamwork may also be shared.


Please note that the monthly gatherings will be limited to 8 participants to ensure a supportive and interactive space. With the exception of Community of Practice members and/or those who have participated in our Foundations program, participation in the Dream Salon is required to join the ongoing community dreamwork.


Register for Monthly Community Dreamwork


Date & Time: TBD with the group at a weekday time starting February 2025. Monthly gatherings will be 2 hours.


Location: Online via Zoom


Fee: $325 USD for 6 sessions​. Payments are made via PayPal.​​


Community Dreamwork
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